Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Sarnia



All Cities Tuesday May 12th, 2015 at 3:08 PM

Spotted : A few weeks ago I was walking with my dog on riverside and I noticed an older gentleman who was having trouble collecting papers that went flying around because of the wind. I helped him gather what I could and once we were done I walked over to him. I gave him what I had from what looked like very old letters. I asked him if he noticed anymore missing. I took a closer look and I noticed watery eyes. He said he accidently dropped his book that had all these letters in it, letters that him and his wife wrote each other throughout the years. I told him I would help him. Every letter had a number in the top right corner and he had a total of 195. He was missing page 17 and 77, so we started looking. A few others joined in after about 10 minutes of searching. At one point we almost had 15+ people looking for he last missing page 77. While looking he told me his wife had passed away 5 years ago and every now and then he pulls out these letters that they wrote to each other while he was away from her(before texting and emails). I broke down into tears just listening to him tell me the story. Suddenly we hear a scream from a distance. This middle age man was trying to run as fast as he could to us screaming "I FOUND IT" this old man was so anxious to see the last page to make sure it was the right one. I was so happy to see that page 77 was now in his hands again. I helped him count the papers one more time to make sure they were all there. To all those people who walked by and stopped to help, you are amazing. To that old man, I hope one day I find exactly what you found with your wife. It was so beautiful to sit and talk to him for that little while.

I just thought I would share this story, hoping it makes someone's day!

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