Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Sarnia
I had just received a phone call that my father had been taken by ambulance to the hospital. I was working in Sarnia, but olive in Windsor, where my father also lives. I had to get the the hospital in a hurry. In my haste to get into my van, I actually locked my keys in the back of the van....I needed to call CAA, but my card was in the van. I asked the Service desk to look up the phone number for CAA for me, but they could not find it. I was in a panic....I walked up to these two lovely young ladies and just broke down. They were so sympathetic and helpful. They not only used their cell phones to look up the number for me, they actually made the call to CAA for me. They made sure I was okay, and assured me that help was on the way. I can't thank them enough. I am still at the hospital......waiting...hoping....but still very thankful to those two wonderful , kind and compassionate young ladies......I thank you with all my've been spotted.